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February 26, 2022


“Congratulations to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao

Incorporated on your 16th General Membership Meeting. We look forward

to continuing to work with you in advancing Davao City’s business sector

and economy. Thank you and more power to the Japanese Chamber.”

Davao City Acting Mayor Hon. Sebastian Z. Duterte.


ダバオ市市長代理 セバスチャン・Z・ドゥテルテ


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Article Title JA

“Congratulations to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao

Incorporated on your 16th General Membership Meeting. We look forward

to continuing to work with you in advancing Davao City’s business sector

and economy. Thank you and more power to the Japanese Chamber.”

Davao City Acting Mayor Hon. Sebastian Z. Duterte.


ダバオ市市長代理 セバスチャン・Z・ドゥテルテ


Article Title EN



“Congratulations to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao

Incorporated on your 16th General Membership Meeting. We look forward

to continuing to work with you in advancing Davao City’s business sector

and economy. Thank you and more power to the Japanese Chamber.”

Davao City Acting Mayor Hon. Sebastian Z. Duterte.


ダバオ市市長代理 セバスチャン・Z・ドゥテルテ


“Congratulations to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao

Incorporated on your 16th General Membership Meeting. We look forward

to continuing to work with you in advancing Davao City’s business sector

and economy. Thank you and more power to the Japanese Chamber.”

Davao City Acting Mayor Hon. Sebastian Z. Duterte.


ダバオ市市長代理 セバスチャン・Z・ドゥテルテ


© 2021 by The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao

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