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ミンダナオ治安状況に関するセミナーをWaterfront Insular Hotelで実施致しました。

ダバオ領事事務所にご協力頂き、国家情報調整局(National Intelligence Coordinating Agency)の

EDUARDO T. MARQUEZ 氏、Public Safety & Security Command Center of Davao Cityの

ANTONIO L. BOQUIREN氏をゲストスピーカーにお呼び致しました。










We conducted the forth seminar in 2018 on November 26, 2018 at Waterfront Insular Hotel. The theme of seminar this time was about security situation in Mindanao. We invited Mr. Eduardo T. Marques from National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) and Mr. Antonio L. Boquiren from Public Safety & Security Command Center of Davao City (PSSCC) as guest speakers in collaboration with the Consular Office in Davao, Embassy of Japan In the Philippines.


Mr. Eduardo and Mr. Antonio shared their expertise and knowledge about the security situation in Mindanao and Davao respectively. We hope that the attendees were able to understand the current initiatives with regards to the security situation in Mindanao and Davao.


We, at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao will continue to provide useful and relevant information through seminars like these. We look forward to seeing you at our next seminar.


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