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June 11, 2018
the 120th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence
ダバオ市庁舎前のホセ・リザール公園には今年も多くの参列者が足を運び、日系団体としては、在ダバオ領事事務所及びミンダナオ日本人商工会議所が献花を致しました。 サラ・ドゥテルテ市長も来られ、式典会場の周りは厳重な警備体制が敷かれていましたが、式典自体は何事も無く、無事終了致しました。
We attended the 120th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence on June 12, 2018 like we did last year. There were many attendees at Rizal Park which is in front of City Hall. Consular Office of Japan in Davao and The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Mindanao lay wreath as Japanese organizations. The program was undertaken under strict security system, since Mayor Sara Duterte also attended, the program was successfully completed without any incident.
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