February 26, 2021
御来場の皆様、本日はご多用の中、大勢の方々に出席を賜り 2021 年度ミンダナオ日本人商工会議所総会を開催出来ましたこと、心より御礼申し上げます。本来であれば、総会の機会を活かし皆様一人一人とお会いして歓談をすることを楽しみにしておりましたが、コロナ禍であることを鑑みて Zoom での開催とさせて頂きますことご了承ください。
司会よりご紹介いただきました通り、2021 年度ミンダナオ日本人商工会議所会頭の任を仰せつかりました中尾圭佑と申します。会頭職を仰せつかりますのは今回で 5 回目となります。昨年 3 月 16 日フィリピン全土を対象に災害宣言、マニラECQ、ロックダウン 4 月 4 日ダバオ市が ECQ、ロックダウンとなり、多くの企業の皆様が混乱され、情報収集に奔走されました。
また緊急フライトにて、日系企業の駐在員の多くが一時帰国し、再入国基準が明確でないまま、9 月頃まで入国できず、遠隔地からの運営、業務の一部オンライン化を余儀なくされました。また当地においても自粛要請にて感染対策、運営規模縮小、市場変化など企業にとって大きなターニングポイントとなった年でもございます。
会議所の活動といたしましては、定例理事会をオンラインへ切り替え、理事会を開催するとともに、隔月ペースではございますが、ミンダナオ島を中心とした情報を載せたニュースレターの発信、マニラ、セブ、ミンダナオの 3 商工会議所共催のオンラインセミナーを実施させていただきました。有益な情報提供、学びの場の準備をして頂いたフィリピン日本人商工会議所事務局、在フィリピン日本国大使館経済班の皆様へ改めて御礼申し上げます。
世界中がワクチン接種による集団免疫の獲得を目指し、経済活動の再開を目指している中、フィリピンも 2021 年末までに集団免疫獲得達成を目指して準備を進めております。民間レベルでは年内の業績完全回復は難しいと推測されますが、投資環境を改善すべく公共工事としてダバオバイパス(パナボ市―ダバオ市トリル)、ダバオ・サマール間ブリッジ、コスタルロード、市営バス運行など、ニューノーマル化での経済活動躍進の準備は着々と進んでおります。
First of all, my deepest appreciation to all of your presence to our 15th JCCM General Membership meeting despite your busy schedule and your effort to make it. I would really want to meet you personally and have conversation with this opportunity as GMM. However, please kindly understand the current situation as under COVID-19 pandemic and hold this memorable event via Zoom.
I’m Keisuke Nakao, I was elected as president of JCCM this year, 2021. This is my 5th term as entrusted position as president of JCCM.
Last year was terrible for us to gather information when the time, president Duterte declared the entire Philippines shall be under state of calamity and a few days after lockdown national capital region and declare ECQ, here in Davao followed April 4 as the same status as national capital region as lockdown and ECQ.
Some of Japanese Company representative was flight out from Davao via evacuation flight and until September could not re-enter to Philippines. Therefore, and not only evacuated representative forces to shift remote work and transform some or majority of business activities to online bases. And at the same time, preparation and adaptation to prevent infection at the workplace, scale down the operation to prevent spraddling COVID, catching up changes of market needs and applications. It was huge turning point to all the organization.
In this caustic situation, Con-Gen Miwa of Consul General Office of Japan in Davao, demonstrates strong leadership, providing timely and accurate information of COVID update and its regulations, support to Japanese National and Enterprises to not isolate and counter secondary disaster. On behalf of the chamber, I would like to express deepest appreciation to Consul General Miwa for his flourishes.
Our chamber activities are mostly cancelled for physical presence needs one, however we are successfully shifting to online base meetings and providing newsletter topics about Davao and Mindanao, business seminars coordinating three Japanese Chamber here in Philippines as Manila, Cebu and Mindanao. I would like to express again my deepest appreciation to JCCIPI and the Economic Section of Japan Embassy of Philippines for this online seminar as it provided opportunities to learn important and useful information to our members.
I had strong concerns of public security with continuing closure and limitation of economic activities via ECQ and GCQ related Executive Orders made closure and scale down operation at private sectors and employees to lost income source. However, it still remains peaceful here in Davao. I believe this is the result of continued effort being made by President Duterte and Mayor Sara here in Davao.
This 2021, some countries are starting vaccination to gain herd immunity to prevent the pandemic; and Philippines target to be in place before the end of year. I guess that it is difficult for private sectors to fully recover business results as previews year or projected. However, despite pandemic governments are continuing business environment to improve by public project such as Davao Coastal Road project as Panacan – Ma-a – Dumoy, Davao Bypass Road Panabo – Toril, Davao Interim Bus System and lately signed up Davao – Samal Island Connector bridge construction which shall start 1st half of 2021 to less congestion of city and improve transportation systems and once economic activities return under new normal shall accelerate again investment and high speed economic glows here in Davao Region.
I pray as soon as possible for the day to come fully back to economic activities and normalization of travel between Davao – Japan and at the same time the success of efforts continuously conducted by our members.
Thank you very much!